The Fred Meijer Clinton-Ionia-Shiawassee Trail

Sorry, nominations for the CIS Board are closed for 2017

If you would like to run for the CIS board in the future please contact us.

Become a FMCIS Trail Board Member

Think you'd like to make a difference on the trail?  One way is to become a trail volunteer - we're always in need of volunteers!   Another way to make a difference is to serve on the board of the Friends' Group.  The board is made up of 9 members (three from each county), each of  whom serve a three year staggered term.  We also have one non-voting ex officio trail management representative.    Board members are elected each March by the membership of the Friends' Group.  There are only a few qualifications: 

  • You must be a member of the Friends Group
  • You must live in Ionia, Clinton or Shiawassee County 
  • And, of course, you must love trails 

The board meets on the second Wednesday of each month in St. Johns.

If you would like to run for one of the three board member positions e-mail us at by Friday, February 3, 2017, and tell us a little bit about your background and why you are interested in being on the board.